I think anyone can determine by the pic that this furniture is more for looks than actual use. Sitting on cane furniture for any extended period of time hurts your butt and the back of your thighs. I have been sitting in one of the cane chairs but I have padded it with some spare bedsheets so at least it is a bit more comfortable.
Note the big bottles of water by the "entertainment center". We have 2 water pitchers - 1 stays in the fridge and 1 stays out in the kitchen. I (or Tom) have to manhandle those bottles to fill these 2 small pitchers a couple of times a day. The pitcher in the fridge is so there is always cold drinking water and the pitcher in the kitchen is water used for cooking. It isn't safe for me to drink the water from the tap so I have a feeling we will be going through many big bottles of water. It is so hot here that I have to drink water constantly to stay hydrated.
Look around and see if you can find one of those ceramic pots with a spout coming out of it. You turn the water bottle over into it and use the spout handle to turn off and on the water as needed. Remember, we had one in Honduras.