Monday, April 26, 2010

The apartment in Chennai - Part 2

This is the dining area where the fridge and microwave are. This is actually a pretty snazzy little fridge, it even has a small freezer compartment where we can fit 2 ice trays (the ice trays here are about 1/2 the size of ice trays in the U.S.) and a couple of other small items, and I do mean SMALL items.

The inside part of the fridge is small and doesn't hold much. The reason for this is in India people cook fresh food each day so there is no reason to have tons of food stashed in the fridge. Also, there are no Wal-Mart sized grocery stores here. All of the shops are very small, probably about 1/2 the size or smaller of a normal 7-11. Not all food is available all the time so you buy small quantities every couple of days.

Food kept in the fridge spoils faster than it does at home due to the heat, for example a bag of milk that we bought on Saturday was spoiled by Monday morning. The produce drawer is very small and holds only a few small bags of fresh vegetables. The concept of frozen foods doesn't exist here as everyone actually cooks. The laws here regarding pesticides on fruit and vegetables are not the same as they are in the U.S. so everything has to be thoroughly washed before it is eaten.

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